Sunday, August 25, 2013


There are two kinds of relationships;  Temporary or permanent;

The ones that drop off the face of the earth and the ones that can endure forgiveness.

A Relationship Story

A man was walking through the countryside and found a infant left to die. He cared for the baby and raised her with care and love. As the girl grew, she became a young woman who captivated the heart of the man. He clothed her with silk and placed jewelery upon her, adorning her with the treasures of his heart. She became his queen and he was her king. People all around saw the love between the two and were amazed. The woman became so beautiful, but in time, she made a terrible choice. She fell in love with herself and the desires of the world. She took the precious gifts of her king and gave them to other men in exchange for their passion. She sought the affection of other men and left her king behind. At night, the king went to his tower and called for her to come home. She was known by the entire land as the disgrace of the people. The queen didn't care what people thought and even though the king called for her, she spent the night with lover after lover. She flaunted her passion for others in front of the king and his anger grew. He was hurt and had to hide his heart. All the while, his heart was breaking, he sent her away to be used by her affairs and the courtship of other men. He was going to give her the freedom to leave. The king decided to send her away, so he hired a group to come take her to another country and hold her prisoner. The time went on for the king and he longed for her to come home and be his queen, but how could he trust her? He made the girl his bride. He gave woman his entire kingdom. He longed for her love with a heart breaking suffering. She was his dream of the perfect bride, but how could he forgive her? The king remembered the promise he made his bride to love her forever. When the queen realized the shame of her actions and felt the remorse for hurting her king, he came for her. She lived the rest of her life knowing she was forgiven and she remembered how her affairs broke the heart of the king she loved so much. She gave herself to the king's grace of forgiveness and both hearts were restored. As the king held his bride during the nights, he would repeat his wedding vows to the queen and she would seal the night with her kiss. The king knew he was not only her king, but her husband, and she was his bride.

Tale of Ezekiel 16, with the happy ending through Christ Jesus.
We all need to remember the vows we made, that day the Lord came into our hearts.
God Bless you all, ride the trail this week with the Lord as your guide.

Take a peek at the God's version of the story at

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What should we expect in death, and could it be what we expect in life?

I believe the path to death is not a destination, but a direction!

I am writing this blog, after asking for input from the fellowshippers across the country. I also want to be respectful in this writing, and remember the people who are facing death right now. Whether it is you or a loved one who is approaching death, I feel sad in telling you, I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry for the moments that I call “would have, should have or could have”. Sometimes we are given time to reflect on these “haves”and sometimes it is over in a breath. The sorrow of death is felt longer for the family and friends . Survivors have more time to reflect on the “haves” because they deal with death before and after the passing. I notice during mourning, people handle their feelings differently. I remind myself, people will mourn loss in different ways and lengths of time, we should respect everyone during their sorrow.

We place life on a calendar, by marking our birthday and anniversaries and someday someone will remember us and the date on a calendar that we passed away from this life. I can say a calendar is a creation of man. Life is a creation of God. For my friends who believe in the “natural physical event that generated life”: I say, if that is how God created life, then that would be up to Him. I know my perspective is Christian; that is what I am, even though I serve people of all belief backgrounds. I find no value in disputing your faith or fighting. It is hard to serve people when you are attacking their beliefs. Death is not a time to convict or conflict. Death is a time to reflect on the contribution made in relationships by a person during their time on this earth. For the children of Abraham, we should let the Lord be the Judge, we should trust in the Lord's decision.

Death effects both us and those we love.
Just as any middle aged person, I have lost loved ones throughout my life. I was 18 when we came home to find a note on our door. My 23 year old brother was killed in a car accident. My grandparents passed soon afterward and 10 years ago, I lost another brother. A few months after my brother, my mother was writing a letter to a friend explaining her loss, and laid down her pen, it was never picked up again. Before she passed, we were talking over the phone; she asked me to speak at her funeral, I protested before I said yes. Little did I know what an honor it would be to proclaim the good news of living beyond the grave to our family and friends.

I was wounded when my father-in-law passed. I was deeply saddened to hold my wife's hand when she walked through that dark hallway known as the departure. On a Friday, I was at a rodeo doing a cowboy church in the rain. The mud was thick but we knelt in prayer. A hand joined us in the prayer and the cowboy later that night told me he “got right with God”. He said he had been away too long and it was time to come home to God. He was charged up like the energizer rabbit, had joy and fulfillment, the spirit was on him! A few days later the cowboy died on his brothers couch. I realized the joy in death is in our faith. The Joy is another name for the Word. The Word is another name for Jesus. My wife knew of her father's faith and my friend in the rodeo knew his brother “got right with God”

The direction we take in life is a journey through birth, life, death and beyond. Many religions have their opinion on the end of life, some say once you pass away ”that's it”. Many people believe we come back through reincarnation. Some expect to have an eternal life in paradise. No matter what is your belief, it is something that will happen to all of us, and it is a part of life. I thought about the Mayfly living only 24 hours, to be born, mate, lay eggs and die in a day. You could not compare that to creatures that live a long repetitive life such as the immortal jellyfish. Even the jelly fish has predators and death through events beyond it's ability eternally regenerate. Our direction starts before birth. Our ancestors gave their love and strife to the next generation and so we really begin at the creation. Jesus said in the Gospel of John chapter 17. He was one with God, and has always been with God. He also said, He was in God, as we are in Him. In John 14, He said  “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

I hope two things are accomplished with this writing, the understanding of how important relationships are in life and death, and finding peace in understanding that death is a direction we travel along and not our final destination. Relationships are in every aspect of life. Family, friendship, business and clubs. In every relationship,we move in a direction, building, taking apart or moving onward. When a loving relationship ends like in a divorce or breakup, there will be a mourning process. I will write on relationships in the near future. The direction we travel through life, death and beyond is a choice. I have never heard of a healthy person wanting a wasted life. Some just let life take it's own course, and I respect the decision that each person makes in their life. I sincerely hope for those who have lost someone close, or those who see death approaching, that you follow your path of love. The love God has for us gave us grace, and grace gave us life beyond the grave. Our relationship with God, will take our lives on a direction past the grave.

Everyone, at one time or another, will be called to depart. I hope you do as the rodeo cowboy did, and “Get right with God”

Friday, May 17, 2013

President Obama needs to see what Christian do best; Love, Forgive and Heal.

The president is under attack from several fronts.  If this were a game of Battleship, he would be saying "Hit, Hit Hit" like a baseball batting coach.  I would like for people to remind the president, in this time of trouble, how Christians feel.  We need to express ourselves in a loving voice.  We need to use the words given to us by the Lord and not from our discontent.  The president has repeatedly attacked christian values under his administration.  He has bullied capitol hill with his special forces team of senators and representatives to march his agenda through legislation.  But wait!  He is the face of the American people (50% +1).  He is the face of the people who are living in the metropolitan areas, who voted the states electoral college ballots into this situation.

The president is a popular person doing what popular people do.  The popular politician tries to stay in the spotlight, and they will do whatever it takes to win the majority.  Ironically, the popular person who seeks office, is truly the face of what this nation has become.  I believe the president has an  extremely liberal agenda and the opposition fights back to protect the opposite extreme.  Most of the people in this country are in the middle.  We only vote the lessor of two evils.  We vote for the one who will shift the balance, back towards our values.  I believe the president has steered us way to far off course.  I think he is trying to fulfill the voters' expectations.  I again want to state, I do not believe the majority supports every initiative of his administration.

The Christian Nation MUST yield to God, like it or not.

Here is the Word.

1 Timothy 2

King James Version (KJV)
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Luke 6

 (read it all, but here is a clip)

37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

Christian Brothers and Sister, I beg you to love.  I ask for us not to throw rocks (or insults) at the president instead step into his place and take his stripes on our backs, because we will forgive him as the Father forgives us.  We will be the shining light of the Lord Jesus.  We will not attack but heal, not hate but love, not sin against our oppressor but wash his feet.

Be a good light and follow the Christ.   Let us tell the president what we expect and pray for ourselves as well as our elected.  I pray we act as the living Christ tells us to, we must love and stand strong. 


Monday, May 13, 2013

The Fear of the Courageous

Fear is a common emotion we all can feel, and left unchallenged, we can become its servant and follower. We can make fear our guide and spiritual leader. Fear should not be a burden, but a path to building faith. When we are challenged by fear, and overcome the trial of its force, we will have the knowledge that we can endure the sting, and not be governed by it's yoke. Overcoming fear builds faith. The faith can be placed in our own ability, a leader's ability, or in God. In Psalm 118, the scripture tells us it is better to trust in God than in man. It is better to trust in God, than in princes.

I had a dream several months ago.

I was working in an infirmary, unloading food and supplies with a doctor. The evening became night and the work was finished. It was dark as we walked toward our homes. I noticed people peaking out onto the streets from behind curtains. I heard countless screams from people who were being abducted by dark spirits and taken away. I knew we would never see them again. The doctor asked if we should be afraid. I answered by saying, we should not fear, they are coming for others. We each went toward our own homes and as we walked on different streets, I heard him scream and then he was silenced. I knew I would not see him again.

I felt my spirit carry this dream, like one feels their body after they carry heavy boxes all day. I prayed and asked for counsel to interpret the dream. I learned my answer by the following scripture.

The Holy Bible:Isaiah 8:11. NIV

Isa 8:11 The LORD spoke to me with his strong hand upon me, o warning me not to follow p the way of this people. He said:
Isa 8:12 “Do not call conspiracy q everything that these people call conspiracy 25 ;do not fear what they fear, r and do not dread it. s
Isa 8:13 The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, t he is the one you are to fear, u he is the one you are to dread, v
Isa 8:14 and he will be a sanctuary; w but for both houses of Israel he will be a stone x that causes men to stumble y and a rock that makes them fall. z And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare. a
Isa 8:15 Many of them will stumble; b they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.”


Isa 8:21 Distressed and hungry, s they will roam through the land; t when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse u their king and their God.
Isa 8:22 Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, v and they will be thrust into utter darkness. w

In 1933 the inaugural address by the president, who wanted to build trust in our elected leaders said

my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself Franklin D. Roosevelt”

Fear is a lack of understanding. Once we understand the danger, we can avoid the situation and shield ourselves from the threat of harm. Driving a car is a good example for fear. When we hit an unexpected patch of ice at high speeds, we can react with fear. A healthy attitude is to know your ability and operate your vehicle safely. When you travel across ice, you might slow down, redistribute you weight or wait until the road clears.

The fear we feel can create an immobilizing anxiety. When this happens in the example of Isaiah, the people of Israel made fear their life. They made fear their leader and bowed down to respect it as their God. The neighboring armies created fear to lord over the weak, and God saw them listening to the fearful talk and hiding without hope. They gave up on God because they believed the power of fear was greater than the power of God.

The scripture told us to fear God. This does not mean to hide from God, but to respect the power and love of God. Shall we never drive again due to the fear of weather? No, we should understand the conditions and operate the vehicle within its capability. We build faith by testing ourselves in times of fear.

I have observed that people will make a difficult change in their lives when they are dealing with fear. People usually make a change when staying the same is more uncomfortable then the fear of change itself. This example happened to me in the past many times. The fear of loosing something precious is greater than the fear of coming out from my hiding place.

To be afraid of fear will create anxiety. The fear of God creates lack of anxiety; and understanding that our God rules over the dark. The dark is around us and we are called not to fear but to stand in faith. Show courage by making the stand, and when fear comes to your feet, stand in the faith of God.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

So, what is in the name?   There are three names in religious life with different meanings. As I describe my thoughts please remember, all of the saved; those working for the Gospel and those who are being served, to are today's Apostles.  Don't drop the ball!

  A preacher is a name for a good orator or agitator, who will whip the people into conviction or motivate them to consider action.  I have known pastors who call themselves preachers, but I think they using the title they want to be known as, rather than what they actually do.  A well serving pastor might want to be recognized as a talented preacher, even though he spends countless hours at bedsides and with parishioners.

The pastor is the name for a person who serves the spiritual needs within an body of believers.  This person will listen, minister and care for the people.  They will deliver the sermons and usually live in the trenches with the congregation.  I heard at a Johnson University chapel service, the pastor is in charge of tables and chair.  This warning was given to the school body as their future job description.  I heard them laughing and hoped they will still find the joy at 5 am in a church fellowship hall on Easter morning.  The service oriented heart of a pastor can also be seen in the role of chaplain.

The chaplain is the odd person that you run into at the grocery store and after a 30 minute conversation you still wonder what they actually do.  Sometimes a chaplain is a person doing a job rather than a ministry.  In the job field of chaplain service, they seem to have regular hours and a normal life,  This can be true in hospitals and non combat military service.  However a chaplain in the field may also serve as the occasion arises.  When tragedy strikes, the chaplain is on duty.  This can happen 24x7 just like the life of a pastor.  The chaplain may work with or without a place of worship, independently or on a team.  Typically when a chaplain is on a payroll, they have a secular boss which can create the same headaches found in most churches.

Now, I address my title as a Free Range Chaplain.  I would like to state before the job description is unveiled, this is not an invitation to others.  The position is either assigned by God or just happens to fall in front of the foot steps of the drifting apostle.  A Free Range Chaplain must live on their own financial support.  To be paid by worldly reward for your ministry, is to be compromised.  You will be held accountable to the giver and not be free of worldly strings attached to your pocket book.  I always hear the paid clergy say that is not scriptural!  I know this, because they say the same thing to me as they defend their rightful income.  I totally believe and financially support ministers income to use their calling to reach people and maintain the spiritual feeding of their congregations.   This is a sound and holy calling and they deserve to be supported from the household of faith.  The Free Range Chaplain is different.  When a person is providing spiritual services to people, the money must not be involved due to the profiteers that already swarm the cloth.
A Free Ranger Chaplain is on 24x7x365.  This is where I drop the ball!  I have decided to list all of the challenges I face as a Free Range Chaplain.  They were conveniently listed for me in the Holy Bible, book of Galatians, chapter 5.(22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.).  I appreciate the Lord giving me my job description in the inspired Word!  I would love to say I know not, so I fear not, but when you truly love God's children, you don't want to come to the table empty handed.  The fear of God is my motivation.  This is not a fear to hide from but a fear to share with others who seek God's job description.

Sometimes the fear of failure is easier than trusting in the Lord.  A Free Ranger of past was Isaiah.  I would like to share a message about fear in the next few days, so back to the trail.  My email is