Monday, May 13, 2013

The Fear of the Courageous

Fear is a common emotion we all can feel, and left unchallenged, we can become its servant and follower. We can make fear our guide and spiritual leader. Fear should not be a burden, but a path to building faith. When we are challenged by fear, and overcome the trial of its force, we will have the knowledge that we can endure the sting, and not be governed by it's yoke. Overcoming fear builds faith. The faith can be placed in our own ability, a leader's ability, or in God. In Psalm 118, the scripture tells us it is better to trust in God than in man. It is better to trust in God, than in princes.

I had a dream several months ago.

I was working in an infirmary, unloading food and supplies with a doctor. The evening became night and the work was finished. It was dark as we walked toward our homes. I noticed people peaking out onto the streets from behind curtains. I heard countless screams from people who were being abducted by dark spirits and taken away. I knew we would never see them again. The doctor asked if we should be afraid. I answered by saying, we should not fear, they are coming for others. We each went toward our own homes and as we walked on different streets, I heard him scream and then he was silenced. I knew I would not see him again.

I felt my spirit carry this dream, like one feels their body after they carry heavy boxes all day. I prayed and asked for counsel to interpret the dream. I learned my answer by the following scripture.

The Holy Bible:Isaiah 8:11. NIV

Isa 8:11 The LORD spoke to me with his strong hand upon me, o warning me not to follow p the way of this people. He said:
Isa 8:12 “Do not call conspiracy q everything that these people call conspiracy 25 ;do not fear what they fear, r and do not dread it. s
Isa 8:13 The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, t he is the one you are to fear, u he is the one you are to dread, v
Isa 8:14 and he will be a sanctuary; w but for both houses of Israel he will be a stone x that causes men to stumble y and a rock that makes them fall. z And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare. a
Isa 8:15 Many of them will stumble; b they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.”


Isa 8:21 Distressed and hungry, s they will roam through the land; t when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse u their king and their God.
Isa 8:22 Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, v and they will be thrust into utter darkness. w

In 1933 the inaugural address by the president, who wanted to build trust in our elected leaders said

my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself Franklin D. Roosevelt”

Fear is a lack of understanding. Once we understand the danger, we can avoid the situation and shield ourselves from the threat of harm. Driving a car is a good example for fear. When we hit an unexpected patch of ice at high speeds, we can react with fear. A healthy attitude is to know your ability and operate your vehicle safely. When you travel across ice, you might slow down, redistribute you weight or wait until the road clears.

The fear we feel can create an immobilizing anxiety. When this happens in the example of Isaiah, the people of Israel made fear their life. They made fear their leader and bowed down to respect it as their God. The neighboring armies created fear to lord over the weak, and God saw them listening to the fearful talk and hiding without hope. They gave up on God because they believed the power of fear was greater than the power of God.

The scripture told us to fear God. This does not mean to hide from God, but to respect the power and love of God. Shall we never drive again due to the fear of weather? No, we should understand the conditions and operate the vehicle within its capability. We build faith by testing ourselves in times of fear.

I have observed that people will make a difficult change in their lives when they are dealing with fear. People usually make a change when staying the same is more uncomfortable then the fear of change itself. This example happened to me in the past many times. The fear of loosing something precious is greater than the fear of coming out from my hiding place.

To be afraid of fear will create anxiety. The fear of God creates lack of anxiety; and understanding that our God rules over the dark. The dark is around us and we are called not to fear but to stand in faith. Show courage by making the stand, and when fear comes to your feet, stand in the faith of God.

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